5-4. Alphabet search
You can select an alphabetic character from the list in the browse item (artist, album, etc.) currently selected.
When DPX305U is used
- DPX305U allows you to enter the Alphabet search mode by pressing [A to Z] buttons instead of executing the following steps 1 and 2.
- Press the [1] button.
"SEARCH" appears and enters the Music search mode.
- Press the [1] button.
Enter the Alphabet search mode and "SEARCH <_ >" appears.
- Select a character.
Operation type
Entry of character
Turn the [Control knob].
Movement of character entry position
Press the [E] or [F].
Determination of entered character
Press the [Control knob].
Returning to the Music search mode.
Canceling the Alphabet search mode
Press and hold the [6] button.
Alphabet search notes
- Turning the [Control knob] fast in the Music search mode allows you to enter the alphabet search mode.
- The time of Alphabet search may become long depending on the number of items (songs) in iPod.
- To search for a character other than A to Z and 1, enter "*".
- If the first character string begins with an article "a", "an", or "the" in the alphabet search mode, it is searched for in defiance of the article.