


Searching for a song

You can search for a song you want to listen to on the List screen or by using the Google search application.

Searching for a song on the list screen

  1. Tap on [ ] to display the Slide menu.

  2. Tap on [Search ].

  3. Enter the song name, artist name, and/or album name you want to search for in the Search dialog.

    The relevant songs are displayed in a list form even during entry.

  4. Tap on the song name.

    Playback of songs starts from the song you selected in the song name list.

Searching for a song by using the Google search application


Add KENWOOD Music Control as the target of search by the Google search application.
  1. Start the Google search application from the Google Search Widget or Launcher.

  2. Press the phone's Menu button.

  3. Tap on “Search settings”.

  4. Tap on “Searchable items”.

  5. Tap on "KENWOOD Music Control Search videos" and/or "KENWOOD Music Control Search songs" accordingly.

Searching for a song by using the Google search application

  1. Start the Google search application from Google Search Widget or Launcher.

  2. Enter the song name, artist name, and/or album name you want to search for in the Search dialog.

    The relevant songs are displayed in a list form even during entry.

  3. Tap on the song name.

    Playback of songs starts from the song you selected in the song name list.